Featured Artist: Stefan Johanson

So he lives all the way in Sweden? No big deal. Studio Pros spoke with our favorite Scandinavian songwriter about getting his song produced online. LinksTell us about yourself: I'm 34 years old with a huge interest for writing music and performing my songs live. I started playing guitar when I w ... [Read More]

Featured Artist: Mark Ibberson

Ever feel like your stuff isn't good enough for other people to hear? Many musicians feel that way, and as a result, their songs just pile up and collect dust. https://wpuload.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/halo.mp3 Mark Ibberson is a perfect example of someone who decided to push t ... [Read More]

Featured Artist:Mark Sadek Ricotta

Mark Sadek Ricotta is a man of few words, but when it comes to songwriting he doesn’t hold anything back. Studio Pros just recently did a music production for Ricotta and got in touch with him to get to know the man behind the song. Links How long have you been writing songs? “I’ve been writing s ... [Read More]
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