Making Your New Year's Music Resolutions

It's time to plan some amazing goals for 2011. It's inevitable that this time of year we get bombarded by people talking about their New Year's resolutions—losing weight, flossing more, eating better, finding a new job, spending more time with family, and so on. These are all great things to work ... [Read More]

Can You Write a Hit Song On Your First Try?

Wouldn't it be great if you got a huge, international hit with the first song you ever wrote? Wouldn't it feel good if the first album you recorded sold a million copies? Most of us musicians picture scenarios like this. We write and record a great piece of music and think, "this deserves to be h ... [Read More]

Ho-Ho-Holiday Music!

It's that time of year once again: people are bundled up in their winter coats and mittens as they plow through lines at the mall, seasonal music is taking over the radio airwaves, and snow is pummeling the streets in an effort to close school early and give snowplow drivers a little something to do ... [Read More]

Why You Shouldn't Worry About Musical Trends

Everyone loves being trendy. The clothes we wear, the slang phrases we say, even the social networks we're a part of.  Not too long ago, it was very trendy to be on MySpace. Since then, that has completely shifted to Facebook, so much so that many people started thinking it was even a little uncoo ... [Read More]

You Use the Internet For Everything - Why Not For Recording an Album?

Do you check your email first thing in the morning? Do you get up to date with the news online over an early cup of coffee? Do you use the web to check your bank account balance? These days we use the Internet for just about everything: communication with old friends via Facebook; updating our fi ... [Read More]

How to Copyright Your Songs

If you're anything like me, you probably put a lot of hard work into your music. Writing a great song takes time, effort, and emotional energy. Making a great recording can be quite the undertaking as well (although we like to think we make that part a lot easier than it used to be by providing yo ... [Read More]

Buying Yet Another Piece of Gear vs. Recording Your Song With Studio Pros

Technology can be a great tool. It can help you come up with your next masterpiece, and it can give you the means of recording your latest creation.  And I don't know about you, but it sure does make me feel warm and fuzzy inside when I buy a shiny new piece of gear for my home studio. That is, un ... [Read More]

The #1 Reason People Love Studio Pros

We used to think that the best thing about Studio Pros was our roster of world-class session musicians. In fact, I recently wrote a post about how to get the most out of our players and explained why they are such an amazing resource to musicians and songwriters all over the world. But they're not ... [Read More]

Pitching for Film and TV? Want your song at the top of the charts? Spy on your competitors!

If you're hoping for success in this industry, you might want to take part in a little musical espionage: If you want to pitch one of your songs to a TV commercial, study the music in every commercial on TV right now and learn it all by heart. If you want to pitch a song to films, buy the soundtra ... [Read More]

How to Make an Unforgettable Music Production

Have you ever wondered what makes a song instantly recognizable? Take a listen to the first five seconds of this song: How is it that it's possible to know what song it is just from listening to the first five seconds? One instrument (acoustic guitar). Two chords. It can't be any simpler than ... [Read More]
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