Recording Tips: How to Record Vocals

Unless you play instrumental music, the vocal track is the most important part of your demo. It's the part of the music that most fans and listeners connect with the most, and that makes your vocal tracks the heart and soul of your recording. But recording vocals can be a tricky thing. How do you ... [Read More]

Studio Pros Starter Kit

There can be a lot to think about when you start your first Studio Pros production.  Here are some links that you should browse through before you begin to ensure you get the most out of your experience—and to be sure you make an awesome song with us! Before You Record: Preparing the Perfect Pre-Pro ... [Read More]

Choosing the Right Instrumentation For Your Song

We love giving musicians a lot of options for their songs, but not every option can be right for every song. You should always carefully consider the instrumentation you choose. Not only will the right instruments make your track sound appropriate for its genre, they will also allow you to showcase ... [Read More]

Music production by Studio Pros: The Sketch

The first step of Studio Pros' full music production package is laying down a guitar/keyboard track with a melody line synced to a click. We call it: A Sketch. The sketch will help the rhythm section (the drummer and bass player) to understand the structure, the chord progression and the melody of ... [Read More]

Preparing the Perfect Pre-production Files for Studio Pros

So, you've decided to start your first project with Studio Pros. Great! You'll notice that the first step after placing your order is the upload page. This is where you get to upload a scratch version of your song for our musicians to work from, plus any other files you might want to include. H ... [Read More]

Using Reference Tracks to Get The Sound You Want

Have you ever tried talking to someone about your music? Sometimes describing something so abstract can be a little tricky. "I want this song to have a smooth vibe, but still be a little rough around the edges." "This song should rock out and have tons of energy." "This track very ethereal and s ... [Read More]

Can Keyboards Give Drummers a Run For Their Money?

If you want a great drum track for your song, you might want to practice your... keyboard skills? Well, if this video teaches us anything, it's that we musicians should probably start shedding our keyboard chops if we want to record a funky, tight drum part: And if you want to really rock out, j ... [Read More]

5 things you MUST know before you enter a local recording studio with your own band

1. Decide whether you want to record live (with the whole band playing together) or record one instrument track at a time. Even though recording live seems more fun, it’s actually much harder and requires renting a bigger, more expensive studio. 2. If you plan to record live, you should first try r ... [Read More]

5 things you MUST know before you enter a local recording studio without a band

1. Choose your session players wisely. Many local (non-commercial) studios will offer you their own musicians, or even to have their engineer play on your album.  But 99% of the time the result is just a mediocre instrumental track that will do nothing to set you apart from the thousands of othe ... [Read More]

Professional CD Mastering

Mixing and mastering usually go hand-in-hand. But while most people refer to them both together, they are two distinctly different stages in the recording process. So why exactly do you need to master your album? Couldn't you just get your songs mixed by a great engineer (maybe a Studio Pros engi ... [Read More]
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